Welcome to the Nishma Commentary Discussion Forum blog.

Commentary with Rabbi Benjamin Hecht is a regular column on the Nishma website in which Nishma's Founding Director analyzes contemporary issues, in the general as well as the Jewish world, from a Torah perspective.

If you have a comment on an article within this column, we invite you to place your comments here; then we invite everyone to join the discussion.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Trembling Before G-d

The Commentary to the movie "Trembling Before G-d" was divided into 8 parts, each one dealing with a different aspect of the movie. All 8 parts are accessible through the Nishma website Commentary Index in the Arayot category.


  1. I think that it is frightfully dim-hearted and unutterably rude towards so many of our own species who are fighting the terrors of truly important and ultimate battles that a great many of us are playing pin the tail on the donkey -- how ever did we allow sexual preference to become such a defining factor in our humanity?

  2. Yes. Are we having too much fun expirementing with the definition of our species? A market which is overly responsive to an abundance of outside forces is extremely difficult to analyse. At the same time, when do we let the camel go and when do we add another straw?
